2022 Free New Year’s Goal Setting Printables
The end of December/beginning of January is one of my favorite times of year. I know that you can set goals anytime of year- but there is something about the fresh start that the new year brings that feels so fresh and exciting!
Over the past several years I have shared several printables that I have used to help reflect on the previous year and set goals for the next. This blog post will be sharing ALL of the free New Year’s Goal setting printables that I have created, updated for 2022.
My hope is not that you download and use every single one, but that you find one that makes sense for you and the way your brain works 😉 Whichever you choose to use, I hope that it will help set you up and prepare you for all that 2022 has to offer!
New Year’s Reflection and Brainstorming Printables
I have used these since 2018 and have found that they can be used in many different ways. I personally like to use one to reflect on the past year–I know it sounds kind of cheesy to “reflect” but it has REALLY helped me to acknowledge all that I accomplished…something I often don’t give myself credit for. After reflecting, I like to use one to brainstorm (or “brain dump”) goals for the New Year. I will then use this list to set more concrete, tangible goals later on.
I have also included templates that are unlabeled so you can fill in your own labels- as well as blank templates which you can use to reflect and goal set on each individual month if you choose to do so!

Click here to download the reflection and brainstorming printables!
Sticky Note Goal Setting Printables
These are one of my favorite ways to break big goals down into smaller, more managable pieces. I like to start by creating “big” goals for the entire year. Then each month I create goals based off of the big, yearly ones. You can even go so far as to create weekly goals! I also enjoy this method because by using sticky notes, the goals aren’t permanent- you are free to change your mind and your goals throughout the year as needed. For the monthly and weekly versions it also allows you to reuse the same printable, by simply switching out the sticky notes each month/week. (You need the small square sticky notes for this printable!)

Click here to download the sticky note goal setting printables!
2022 Yearly Habit Tracker Printable
This is a great habit tracker to use to track one (or two) habits throughout the entire year! I like to use this one for exercise- but you could track anything! There are options to track either one or two habits included.

Click here to download the 2022 Yearly Habit Tracker Printable!
Habit a Month Tracker
I created and used this habit tracker consistently throughout 2021 and I absolutltey loved it. Slowing down and focusing on one habit a month was a game changer for me- it felt much more doable than focusing on several new habits each month. You can also use it to break down your yearly goals and spread them out throughout the year instead of doing them all at once (cue overwhelm!)

Click here to download the Habit a Month Tracker!
Monthly and Weekly Habit Trackers
I’ve also shared monthly and weekly habit trackers the past few years. January might be a good time to start one of those options! Both the monthly and weekly habit trackers have options to track either 3 or 5 habits.

Click here to download 2022 Monthly Habit Trackers!

Click here to download the weekly habit tracker!
Tap or hover any image to pin and save for later!

This will be our third year filling these out on NYE! We get snacks, look over our last year’s worksheet, fill out the new worksheet, then start a competitive game of Monopoly. Thanks so much for creating and sharing!
Shelley Jansen
I love that! Thank you so much for sharing! 🙂 Happy New Year!!
I’ve just spent hours reading your blog. You have so many amazing ideas and trackers to help people get their lives together. Thank you!
I was hoping you would be making a 2023 version of New Year’s Reflection and Brainstorming sheets. I completed one at the beginning of the year and ended up completing all my goals and resolutions for 2022. I kept it on my fridge all year and was looking forward to do the same for 2023!
Shelley Jansen
That is so great to hear- thank you for sharing with me! Congratulations on accomplishing your goals 🙂 I just posted the 2023 version- check the most recent post! Happy New year!