My 21 for 2021 List
When I turned 30 I made a 30 before 30 list and had SO much fun attempting to complete the list. Looking back it was one of the most fulfilling years I have had because I did so many things that added joy to my life.
After an overall rough year in 2020, I wanted to have some tangible things to look forward to in the new year and to give my year some direction and focus- so I decided to do a similar 21 for 2021 list! I chose “joy” as my word of the year, so I am also using this list as a way to bring joy to my life. Every item was chosen with the intention of “sparking joy” in someway- so that this list will feel FUN and not overwhelming or like a chore.
One other thing I want to note before sharing my list is that you might notice that I included more than 21 items on my list. This was intentional. Life happens and I often change my mind throughout the year 😉 By giving myself some wiggle room and different options, I hope I will complete 21 total items on the list! But if not, that’s okay too. Remember, these lists are meant to be fun and not stressful!
- Complete the 1000 hours outside challenge: There are SO many benefits to getting outside- even if we don’t reach 1000 hours, I know this challenge will get us outside a lot more!
- Finish my office: We renovated our basement last year to create an office space for me. Not only is it still not complete, but it has become the catch all and is a disaster. I want it to be a functioning space where I can work.
- Weekly date nights: We majorly slacked in the date department last year with the pandemic and a new baby. We are going to reprioritize our marriage by having weekly date nights this year, even if just at home.
- Go on 21 hikes: Our family loves hiking and this will challenge us to explore more of our beautiful state!
- Finish the Book of the Month & 1000 Books Before Kindergarten Challenges: Book of the Month is the only service I subscribe to and they have a challenge which looks fun! Our library hosts the 1000 Books Before Kinder challenge (obviously for kids) and I want to finish it with Henry this year. I know he’s read way more than 1000 books in his life, but I just need to log them 😉
- 21 Acts of Kindness: Completing random acts of kindness was one of my favorite parts of my 30 before 30 list and I can’t wait to do it again!
- 100 Peloton rides: A Peloton was our Christmas gift to each other this year. It should be arriving any day and I can’t wait to use it and start getting back in shape.
- Shop secondhand first: I want to be mindful about how much and where I shop this year. It’s so much better for our planet to shop secondhand so I want to shop that way as much as possible!
- Complete postpartum guide: I am 8 weeks in to Expecting and Empowered’s postpartum fitness guide. I am committing to finishing the whole thing!
- Read 50 books: I read 42 books in 2020- I want to beat my goal by 8 this year!
- Learn to embroider: I’ve always loved embroidery and have recently found some amazing artists on social media. So this year I’m going to learn to do it too!
- 1 in, 1 out: I did a TON of decluttering last year- I want to make sure to maintain that progress. So for any item I bring in- one must go out!
- Master coffee at home: This is kind of a silly one, but I want to find a way of making coffee at home that I just love so that I’m less tempted to stop at a coffee shop.
- Make $2021 reselling: Setting a big goal for selling via Facebook Marketplace, Poshmark, Mercari, etc!
- Learn to wear hair wavy: My hair is naturally wavy but I can never figure out how to make it look good! This is the year!
- Create and sell something: Creating is something that truly brings me joy. I would love to find something to create and sell as a fun “side hustle” this year.
- Rediscover style and curate closet: With being pregnant/postpartum for the majority of the last 3+ years, I don’t have a clear sense of style. This year I want to find what looks and feels good on me and have an intentional and curated closet.
- Make my own lotion: We live in a cold, dry state and I use lotion a ton in the winter! I’d love to make my own so I know exactly what is in it.
- Learn to use camera: This has been on my goal list since before Henry was born! It’s something that intimidates me, but I just need to do it!
- Cook through a cookbook: This is mainly just to simplify meal planning. I adore Skinnytaste recipes, so I am going to be cooking out of the Skinnytaste Meal Prep cookbook.
- House to haven (playroom, nursery, 1 bathroom, master, craft closet, sunroom, laundry room): Last year I started a House to Haven project. I want to continue this and complete several rooms this year. Each space will “count” as one out of my goal of 21!
- 50 blog posts: Blogging brings me joy but it is hard finding time to do it with both kids home. I’m determined to make it happen more consistently this year!
- Blog revamp: In October it will have been three years of having my blog. I want to celebrate with a new design and better organization!
- Complete a sewing project: My sewing machine is another item I own that is intimidating to me. I want to increase my confidence and complete a meaningful project this year.
- No cavities: I have very cavity prone teeth…I just had my first root canal and needless to say it wasn’t enjoyable. Aiming to take perfect care of my teeth to prevent anymore issues this year!
I hope these gave you some ideas for your own list! This blog post also shares 100 ideas for setting some “bucket list” type goals if you’re looking for some more inspo 😉
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