24 Before 2024 Decluttering Challenge Printable
I feel like I say this every year- but this year really seemed to fly by. It’s hard to believe there is less than a month left in the year! I honestly didn’t really have decluttering in December on my radar, but my friend @joyfulcluster posted this reel & I couldn’t stop thinking about it! Like she mentions, it is not only a great time to bless others with items we no longer needs- but the more I got to thinking, it’s a great time for SO many reasons. Decluttering now helps balance all of the stuff coming IN this month. It also is always a great reminder of how much STUFF we likely already have in our homes and validation that we don’t need to keep purchasing extra gifts 😉 AND it will help you start 2024 strong with a less cluttered home!
So while it IS a great time declutter, we all know that December is often a busy month! I didn’t want to make this a stressful thing to add to your to do list, so I made the number relatively small. Even getting one bag of stuff out of the house will help with that post Christmas, clutter overwhelm feeling! Something is better than nothing!
BUT if you want to up the challenge- you could give one to each member of your family-I purposely made the stars big so they will be easier for little hands to color 😉 Orrr you could aim for 24 bags!!!
Regardless of how you choose to use this, I hope it helps you enter 2024 feeling a little more peaceful <3