5 Ways to Use Sticky Notes in your Bullet Journal
If you follow me on Instagram, you already know how much I love using sticky notes in my bullet journal! Sticky notes are convenient for so many reasons, but the number one benefit is that the page becomes reusable and you don’t have to create the same list over and over again! Sticky notes are such a huge time saver and help make your bullet journal even more efficient.
Here are five ways that I have been using sticky notes in my bullet journal lately:
1. To do lists
I use sticky notes to create a reusable to do list in my bullet journal for both weekly and daily tasks. When the task is complete I move it over to the “done” column. The best part is that each morning all I have to do is move the sticky notes instead of rewriting the same tasks!

2. Shopping Lists
I like to create shopping lists throughout the week and I used to simply write my lists on the page of my bullet journal. I recently created this shopping list page to keep all of my lists organized. Using sticky notes is great in this instance because when it is time to go to the store, you can simply grab the sticky note off the page instead of having to take your entire bullet journal to the store.

3. Workout Schedule
Each week I write the workouts that I want to accomplish on sticky notes and place them on the day I plan on completing the workout. I love using sticky notes to create my workout schedule because more often than not, something comes up and I have to rearrange my schedule. Using sticky notes allows me to do that quickly and also ensures that I still get all of my workouts in–just maybe in a different order than I originally anticipated!

4. Meal Plan
At the beginning of each week I take inventory of what I already have in my refrigerator and decide which meals I can make with those ingredients for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I write all of the meals on sticky notes and keep them on the page on the left. Each day I can choose a meal from every category since I know we already have the ingredients! This helps keep me on track while providing some flexibility so I never have to eat food that doesn’t sound good just because it was on my meal plan.

5. Goal tracking
Since I turned 29 this year I created a “30 before 30” list of things I want to do or achieve before I turn 30. I am using this spread to keep track of what I have accomplished and what I still need to do! You could also do something like this for a bucket list or even your New Year’s Resolutions!

I hope these ideas gave you some inspiration to use sticky notes in your own bullet journal! If you don’t have a bullet journal, you could do this in any notebook or even just on a piece of paper! If you try any of these ideas please tag me so that I can see and share them on Instagram!
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