Monthly reflection and goal setting printables
Use these free monthly reflection and goal setting printables to help you set meaningful and intentional goals each month!
Every new year, I brainstorm goals in six different categories using this tracker. For 2021, I also included a similar printable to use to for reflecting on the previous year. Honestly, this was the first time I had ever stopped to reflect on the past, before planning for the future–but I can’t tell you how helpful it was! It gave me a clear sense of what areas were strengths and which were weaknesses. After completing the reflection I was able to create intentional goals based on the highs and lows of the previous year, rather than creating random goals without meaning.
A reader had the suggestion of making similar worksheets to use for each month and I thought it was a wonderful idea! By reflecting on your goals each month, you will be able to keep them in the forefront of your mind throughout the year-which makes it less likely that you’ll forget about them and more likely that you will achieve them!!

When I completed my January reflection, I was able to see that I was doing really well with both my personal and relationship goals, but goals in all other areas have lots of room for improvement 😉 I used my reflection sheet to choose two simple goals for the next month (using this goal setting sheet) because I am personally trying to stick to 1-2 goals a month so that I can maintain them without getting overwhelmed! BUT if you would like to set goals in each area, each month, I have also included a printable that you can use to do that!
There is also a version that does not have labeled sections, in case you would like to choose your own categories! All versions have a blank spot to write in the month- this way you can use the same printables each month and just fill them out accordingly!
I hope that these are helpful for you as you reflect and set goals each month!
Click here for your free monthly goal reflection printables!
Tap or hover on any image to pin and save for later!