• Pumpkin Baked Oatmeal Muffins
    Baby Led Weaning,  Recipes

    Individual Pumpkin Baked Oatmeal Muffins – 3 ways!

    Now that it is finally feeling like fall, I have been on a pumpkin everything kick. There is something so cozy about enjoying a pumpkin treat on a crisp fall day! These pumpkin baked oatmeal muffins are the perfectly portioned way to enjoy a pumpkin flavored treat for breakfast. I love to top a couple muffins with greek yogurt and a few extra chocolate chips, but you can also eat them topped with nuts or milk–or eat them as is! I included three different ways to make the pumpkin baked oatmeal muffins: plain, with chopped nuts or with chocolate chips. They are easy to customize to your liking– just choose…