Delcuttering Games: How to make decluttering “fun”!
I’ve heard that there are people out there who genuinely ENJOY cleaning/tidying/decluttering, etc. I am not one of them. For as much as I like talking about decluttering, I’d rather do just about anything else than actually doing the decluttering work. One thing that has REALLY helped motivate me- is to turn decluttering into a “game”. This post will be sharing some [free] decluttering games that I have used throughout the years. I can truly say that if it weren’t for these games, I wouldn’t have made near as much progress as I have! I hope that you find them helpful as well. The Minimalism Game My very first introduction…
24 Before 2024 Decluttering Challenge Printable
I feel like I say this every year- but this year really seemed to fly by. It’s hard to believe there is less than a month left in the year! I honestly didn’t really have decluttering in December on my radar, but my friend @joyfulcluster posted this reel & I couldn’t stop thinking about it! Like she mentions, it is not only a great time to bless others with items we no longer needs- but the more I got to thinking, it’s a great time for SO many reasons. Decluttering now helps balance all of the stuff coming IN this month. It also is always a great reminder of how…
Free 2023 Decluttering Printables
Over the years I’ve shared several different decluttering trackers. I wanted to put them all in one spot for your 2023 decluttering needs! Take what you need and works best for you. There are lots of options– something for everyone I hope! All of the 2023 decluttering printables are completely free (as usual!) Simply click on the image or links below to download. If you find the printables beneficial throughout the year it would mean a ton if you would share (and tag me on social media @letsliveandlearn) or send friends directly to this page. Happy decluttering!
2023 Decluttering Challenge Printable In 2022 I completed this challenge-TWICE! Many of…
Decluttering to $1000
I recently shared on Instagram that I have a TON of clothes that I have been meaning to list on Poshmark or Mercari. Like 5 totes full! I wanted something to motivate me that was quick and easy, so I came up with this ‘Decluttering to $1000’ tracker. The idea is super simple- simply color in a box for each dollar you earn! When it is all full, you will know you’ve earned $1000 and literally turned your clutter into cash. I am jotting down what I sell on the back, but that is totally optional. It just helps me keep track of what I’ve recorded. I’m pairing this tracker…
Zone Cleaning Printable Checklists
I recently heard of zone cleaning after being introduced to the Fly Lady method on Tik Tok. I was skeptical at first- but since I had yet to find a cleaning schedule that worked for me, I decided to give it a try. I am happy (and proud!) to say that I have stuck with it for the past 2.5 months!! And while my house isn’t perfect, every month it is looking better and better. The consistency is paying off and I can now see why this method has been so popular for decades! What is zone cleaning? Zone cleaning is essentially dividing your home into sections (“zones”) and cleaning…