• Goal Setting

    2023 Reflection and Goal Setting Template

    There’s nothing I love more than the week between Christmas and New Year’s. I know it’s not for everyone, but I loveee goal setting, journaling, reflecting, all the things. I try really hard to set intentional and well thought out goals. Over the years I’ve tried several different methods and regardless of the changes I’ve made- this reflection and brainstorming template is one that has stayed the same. I use the reflection printable to jot down highs and lows in each category of my life (+/-). The process of reflecting not only helps me “wrap up” the year, but gives me direction when setting goals for the next. After reflecting,…

  • perpetual habit tracker printable
    Goal Setting

    Perpetual Habit Tracker

    I don’t know about you, but the goals I set at the beginning of the year… aren’t quite going as planned. In our case, we had a new baby join our family and are likely moving towards the end of the year. Two very big changes that resulted in the need for me to change some goals. Maybe you’re in the same boat? Even if you haven’t had a major life change, I believe it’s perfectly okay and NORMAL for goals to change throughout the year (that’s why I’m such a big fan of goal setting with sticky notes 😉 ). Not only did I remove and change some of…

  • Goal Setting

    2022 Free New Year’s Goal Setting Printables

    The end of December/beginning of January is one of my favorite times of year. I know that you can set goals anytime of year- but there is something about the fresh start that the new year brings that feels so fresh and exciting! Over the past several years I have shared several printables that I have used to help reflect on the previous year and set goals for the next. This blog post will be sharing ALL of the free New Year’s Goal setting printables that I have created, updated for 2022. My hope is not that you download and use every single one, but that you find one that…

  • Monthly reflection and goal setting printables. #freeprintable #freetemplate #worksheet #monthlygoals #monthlyreflection #habittracker #stickynotes
    Goal Setting

    Monthly reflection and goal setting printables

    Use these free monthly reflection and goal setting printables to help you set meaningful and intentional goals each month! Every new year, I brainstorm goals in six different categories using this tracker. For 2021, I also included a similar printable to use to for reflecting on the previous year. Honestly, this was the first time I had ever stopped to reflect on the past, before planning for the future–but I can’t tell you how helpful it was! It gave me a clear sense of what areas were strengths and which were weaknesses. After completing the reflection I was able to create intentional goals based on the highs and lows of…

  • 21 for 2021: 21 goals to do in 2021! #21in2021 #2021 #newyearsresolutions #newyearsgoals
    Goal Setting

    My 21 for 2021 List

    When I turned 30 I made a 30 before 30 list and had SO much fun attempting to complete the list. Looking back it was one of the most fulfilling years I have had because I did so many things that added joy to my life. After an overall rough year in 2020, I wanted to have some tangible things to look forward to in the new year and to give my year some direction and focus- so I decided to do a similar 21 for 2021 list! I chose “joy” as my word of the year, so I am also using this list as a way to bring joy…