• A huge list of easy and cheap indoor activities for young babies who are 6-12 months old. Perfect for those cold winter months when you are stuck inside! #winter #6months #7months #8months #9months #10months #11months

    20+ Indoor Activities for Babies

    Growing up in Oregon, it was a BIG deal when we got snow days! Now, living in Montana, snow isn’t quite as exciting. In fact, when I woke up to six inches of fresh snow last week, I was filled with a sense of dread. Why? Because it meant that I was going to be stuck in the house all. day. long. with my 9 month old! Don’t get me wrong– I love my little guy, but I rely on our daily walks and outings to help break up the day. Being stuck inside just makes for a lot of LONG days. When you are stuck inside all day, it…