
Consumption Tracker

Want a wake up call? Try tracking every item that comes into your home- YIKES!

I’ve been working my way through my 1000 Decluttering Challenge (again) and generally trying to live a more minimal-ish lifestyle. But it seems like no matter how much I declutter- there’s still…clutter.

I was inspired to start tracking what comes IN to my house (in addition to what’s leaving) after my Instagram friend, Sarah, posted that she was keeping track of her consumption during the 1000 Decluttering Challenge. I thought it was SUCH a smart idea- and honestly? I think that tracking consumption might be even more helpful than tracking decluttering! Because if the habit of bringing things into your home doesn’t stop- then all the hard work of decluttering isn’t going to make much of an impact at all!

I started tracking decluttering on August 1st and I’ve decluttered over 300 items…BUT in less than one month I’ve brought 78 items IN to my home!! Yes, this was a “high shopping month” for us- we updated every family member’s clothing for fall- but it was a really shocking visual of how much “stuff” we were adding to our home. Turns out I wasn’t making as big of a decluttering dent as I thought!

I’m excited to continue tracking consumption along with decluttering. My goal is to bring that monthly consumption number WAY down. I want the decluttering number to be at least 2-3x what I’m consuming. And obviously I’m not going to track my consumption forever- but it will be a good way to break the shopping habit and be more mindful and intentional so that I don’t feel the need to declutter at this rate forever!

Click here to download your free consumption tracker!

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