How I’m Making Hard Times Feel Better
Let me start by saying–this isn’t my typical type of blog post. It’s very personal and not very concise and I’m sure the grammar isn’t great. I wrote this out as a way to process and thought I would share it just in case it is helpful for anyone else to read. I know it’s always helpful for me to read other people perspectives during similar challenges, so I hope I can provide a sense of solidarity to a few of you if possible.
As I mentioned on my Instagram post- I’m not at all sharing this for pity. I know that unfortuantley there are far worse things going on in the world and in people’s lives. I know, and am grateful, that it isn’t worse. But I do think any challenges that can’t be “fixed”, are hard; my hope is just to share with you a little more about what is going on behind the scenes and how I’m shifting my mindset to make the hard feel a little “better”.
Current Challenge #1: Moving
Again this is something I hate to “complain” about- because I know in this day and age, we are SO lucky to be able to have purchased a house at all! It’s tough out there and I feel for anyone trying to buy right now.
Since graduating college in 2013, I’ve moved seven times and this last move was by far the most chaotic. We had about a two month window that we were hoping to purchase a house this summer and we ended up shockingly getting our first offer accepted, the first weekend! So a blessing, but the whole thing ended up happening much quicker than we expected, including a quick closing, etc. Long story short, everything ended up getting shoved in boxes and it was/is all SO UNORGANIZED. Every box is a mismatch of random stuff and it’s making moving in a million times harder, especially with three young “helpers” 🙂
Also, due to the competitive nature of the market at the time we purchased, I wasn’t able to research the area we were moving to as well as I would’ve liked. Again, it’s not a BAD area by any means– but it’s a little different than I expected/hoped it would be.
Then there are the logistics of moving to a new state with a family, feeling settled and finding our people. It’s hard to make friends as an adult and I find it harder the more kids we have. Something that no one talks about is how divisive everyone is this days (which I hate that it’s like that so much!) but even scrolling the Peanut app– people’s profiles are filled with political beliefs and even “hate” for the other “side” and it just adds another layer into the difficulty of making friends. Being lonely has made all of this other stuff feel even harder- I’m just really missing a sense of community.
My plan to make it better: The first thing I did here was to make a House to Haven notebook for this home. Having a plan to make this house feel like our home has already helped a lot, and I know it will only get better as time goes on and more progress is made. I also plan on making lists of all the fun things and opportunities that we have available to us here. There really is SO much to do here (especially moving from Montana) and I want to take advantage of it all! Along with this, I’m also working on creating my own village- reminding myself that villages don’t just build themselves. Finally, remembering that this takes time. Each time I’ve moved to a new state, I found that it takes ~2 years to feel like it is home- we haven’t even been here a year. It will happen in time.
Current Challenge #2: Dentist
I’ve shared about this before- but pregnancy just does a NUMBER on my teeth. After each baby I’ve had multiple cavities and/or root canals and/or crowns. This is despite every dentist saying my home care “couldn’t be better”– it’s so, so frustrating. When we moved here, I obviously had to go to a new dentist and my treatment plan was just horrifying. I ended up getting a second opinion and even though it was slightly less aggressive, it’s still a lot. I already have terrible dental anxiety and I’ve been losing so much sleep about it. Not to mention it is expensive (even with insurance) and I hate feeling like my teeth are a financial burden.
My plan to make it better:
I’m wearing a cozy outfit I love to the dentist and have brought earbuds so I can listen to an audiobook during the appointment. For every step I’ve been essentially bribing myself with a little treat- a coffee out, a new book, stickers for my planner, etc. Just anything I can think of to make the experience a little more positive.
Current Challenge #3: Hud’s Health
I don’t want to share a ton of details about this out of respect for him, but basically my two year old has always been on the low end of the percentiles for both height and weight. My husband, myself and our other children are all taller/bigger than average so this has always concerned me. However our pediatrician in Montana assured me he was fine and it was nothing to worry about. THEN we moved here and his new pediatrician IS very concerned. So we’ve been to a ton of different specialists and had tons of different tests done- still with no answers. But his growth has stalled and he will hardly eat any foods and it’s just so much for my heart to take. Every mealtime is a battle and although I “know” it’s not my fault, I feel like it is because I am the one who feeds him every meal. Seeing him labeled “failure to thrive” is just really, really hard.
And again- even with insurance some of these very specific tests are expensive. Like out of pocket thousands of dollars. Of course he is 110% worth it, but it adds another layer to an already stressful situation, during an already expensive season of life.
My plan to make it better:
I WISH so badly this was something that had an easy fix-but since we don’t have answers, it’s not. My plan is to make appointments as positive as possible, by bringing some fun activities to do in waiting rooms and doing a special outing or treat afterwards. I’m also going to use this as an opportunity to be creative- find creative ways to expose him to new foods, try new recipes, find new resources, etc. None of it may work, but if I approach it with a playful attitude, it may help alleviate stress for both of us.
Current Challenge #4: My Hormones
Potentially TMI- but I have been pregnant and/or breastfeeding for the past 3.5+ years straight– and for the majority of the past 6 years. I officially weaned Hannah about a week ago and needless to say my hormones are ALL over the place. I always have a hard time when weaning, but this time has been the worst by far. So many headaches and really…just feeling sad.
My plan to make it better:
Remembering that this one is temporary (thank goodness!) and in the meantime, leaning into cozy, comfy outfits and making sure I get some alone time to do things I enjoy–even if it’s just getting lost in a book. Another thing I need to start doing is exercising regularly- I KNOW it is such a huge mood booster for me…it’s just hard getting started again!!
Current Challenge #5: After School Behavior
Speaking of big emotions…here’s a bonus that I forgot to mention in my journal. Adjusting to kindergarten has been a lot for our little guy. He loves it, but restraint collapse has been a real thing over here.
My plan to make it better:
Based on our previous experience with this in past school years, I know I kind of just have to wait it out and be a safe place for him. But I’ve also been trying to get him some one on one time when he gets home to do a calm activity together and it seems like that has been helping!
Current Challenge #6: Solo Parenting
This one is just kind of the straw that is breaking this mama’s back 😉 It is temporary, but with everything else going on, my patience is already thin and I’m having a hard time not feeling resentful, to be honest.
My plan to make it better:
I’m planning alllll the fun things! New/fun/special activities, fun (aka easy!) meals and I hope to start at least one new tradition. I’m also going to be giving myself lots of grace and full permission to relax and take some ME time after they are in bed for the night.
If you made it through all of that- thank you! I appreciate you being here and hope that this inspires you to help make a hard situation that you might be going through, a little bit better.