Decluttering to $1000
I recently shared on Instagram that I have a TON of clothes that I have been meaning to list on Poshmark or Mercari. Like 5 totes full!
I wanted something to motivate me that was quick and easy, so I came up with this ‘Decluttering to $1000’ tracker. The idea is super simple- simply color in a box for each dollar you earn! When it is all full, you will know you’ve earned $1000 and literally turned your clutter into cash.
I am jotting down what I sell on the back, but that is totally optional. It just helps me keep track of what I’ve recorded.

I’m pairing this tracker with my 2022 declutter challenge tracker (can you tell checking of boxes is motivating to me?! 😉 ) But you could use the 1000 Declutter Challenge or the Mins Game trackers as well! Or just use it on it’s own- choose whatever combination works best for you!

Click here to download the ‘Decluttering to $1000’ tracker!
Happy decluttering! 🙂

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