Minimize the Mess March
Here’s an unpopular opinion- but despite what the decluttering experts say…you can declutter thousands of items and your house can still be a mess 🙃
I really thought that decluttering would solve my messinesss– but it didn’t. I’ve still got little messes all over the place because I haven’t taken the time to create organizational systems.
I want to continue working on #operationhousetohaven, BUT I’m realizing for me- I’ve got to deal with the messes and organization BEFORE I get to the fun stuff (like decorating).
SO, I’m going to buckle down and tackle as much mess as possible this month. I shared yesterday that you can do anything, but not everything- this month will be a good example of that. I’ll try and to keep a balance, but this month will be very much home focused.

My Minimize the Mess Plan:
First I walked around our house with my printable and clipboard and wrote down every trouble spot (there are a lot 😅). I will work on those areas in 15 minute chunks and cross them off as they are complete! Sometimes I will do 15 minutes a day, sometimes I might do zero minutes and other times I might have an hour. I’ll just do what I have time for that day, but try and check off as many of the boxes as possible by the end of the month! Similarly, some tasks may take 15 minutes to finish, while others will take three 15 minute chunks. I wanted this to be flexible and feel DOable, not overwhelming, for fellow messy people like myself 😉 If you’d like to join me…
Click here for the free Minimize the Mess printable!