
Monthly Habit Tracker Printable

In case you didn’t know…I’m a huge fan of habit trackers πŸ˜‰ I have shared a weekly habit tracker before as well as a yearly one, so I thought it was time to add a monthly tracker to the mix! Keep reading to learn about how I use this tracker and to download your own!

Why use a monthly habit tracker?

Monthly habit trackers are great for habits that you really want to work on developing, but maybe don’t want to commit to doing for the entire year! It helps give your month focus, intention and direction. As with any habit tracker, the goal isn’t to be perfect and mark every single box. It is just to show improvement over time-whether that is throughout the month or over the course of a few months!

Also, if you are using the weekly habit tracker to track the same habits week after week, you may prefer using this one so you don’t have to print off as many copies! If you want to make it even more sustainable, you could laminate it or use a dry erase pocket or picture frame so you can use it again and again.

How I choose what habits to track:

I always base my monthly goals and habits off of my overarching yearly goals. So when deciding on my habits for the month, I take a glance at my 2020 Goals printables and see which goals I can work on by turning them into habits. Not all goals are able to be tracked as habits..but many of them are!

Monthly habit tracker printables. Use these free downloads to track your habits and reach your monthly goals! #freeprintable #habittracker #monthlygoals

In January I committed to tracking five habits. As you can see, two of them I was pretty successful with (exercising and blogging). Since I felt like I had solidified those two habits, I decided not to track them in February and replaced them with some new habits that I want to work on. As for the other three? I didn’t do so hot, so they are sticking around next month πŸ˜‰ Again, the two new habits that I chose to add this month were chosen after revisiting my yearly goals.

Monthly Habit Tracker Printables:

As usual, I made a few different options. They are all in one download, so make sure to select the correct pages when printing.

In addition to the habit tracker pictured above, which tracks five habits, there is a version to track only three habits. This one is a great option if you are new to the habit tracking world!

Monthly habit tracker printables. Use these free downloads to track your habits and reach your monthly goals! #freeprintable #habittracker #monthlygoals

The third option is a calendar style tracker, designed to track only one habit. I am using this one to write how many items I declutter/donate/sell each day since it has bigger boxes that you can write in.

Monthly habit tracker printables. Use these free downloads to track your habits and reach your monthly goals! #freeprintable #habittracker #monthlygoals

Click here to download all three monthly habit trackers!

I currently only have trackers for February and March up! If this is something that you would like to continue using, please comment below to let me know and I will add the rest of the months!

Looking for April- June habit trackers? Click here!

Monthly habit tracker printables. Use these free downloads to track your habits and reach your monthly goals! #freeprintable #habittracker #monthlygoals


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