Perpetual Habit Tracker
I don’t know about you, but the goals I set at the beginning of the year… aren’t quite going as planned. In our case, we had a new baby join our family and are likely moving towards the end of the year. Two very big changes that resulted in the need for me to change some goals.
Maybe you’re in the same boat? Even if you haven’t had a major life change, I believe it’s perfectly okay and NORMAL for goals to change throughout the year (that’s why I’m such a big fan of goal setting with sticky notes 😉 ).
Not only did I remove and change some of the goals that I originally set for myself this year, but I also want to revamp some habits that have fallen by the wayside the past few months.
While it’s super tempting to go ALL IN and commit to 10 new habits…I know that (for me) this isn’t realistic or sustainable.
Instead I’m going to add ONE new habit each month and really give it my 100% focus and effort so that it will (hopefully!) actually turn into a long lasting habit.
Then, each month, I will continue tracking the previous habit, while adding one new one. The goal being by the end of the year, I should have hopefully developed 5 new habits! What a good foundation I will have to start a new year- I know my future self will thank me 😉
Here’s an example of what it would like completed at the end of the year:

*sidenote: if you’re starting this in a month OTHER than August, I included an unlabeled version so you can fill in your own months! Both are included in the link below.
Click here to download your perpetual habit tracker!
Tap or hover any image to pin and save for later!