110 Ideas for Random Acts of Kindness
Part of my 30 Before 30 challenge that I set for myself was to do 30 Random Acts of Kindness. My birthday isn’t for another 4 months, but I wanted to start now so I have time to make them meaningful!

As I was trying to think of my 30 random acts of kindness, I came across SO many great ideas. Lots of you shared great ideas with me on Instagram as well! I wanted to compile a huge list for anyone to use as inspiration. I hope you will join me in making the world a little happier of a place! 🙂
The first section of ideas are random, but if you scroll down you will see the acts of kindness categorized (mainly by location). I thought of all the different places that I frequent and how I could spread kindness there! If you think of an idea that isn’t on the list, please share it with me by leaving a comment! The more ideas the better!

Random Acts of Kindness Ideas:
- Pay for the person behind you in the drive through
- Carry a garbage bag with you on walks and fill it with litter
- Leave $5 at a Redbox rental kiosk for someone to use for movie snacks!
- Leave a bag of popcorn and some candy at a Redbox kiosk
- Send a friend a thinking of you card in the mail
- Leave laundry soap or change at the laundromat
- Have a pizza delivered to a friend’s house
- Hold the door open for others
- Smile at everyone you see
- Give genuine compliments as often as you can (both in person and online!)
- Babysit a friend’s children for free so they can have date night
- Leave positive notes, a flower or a car wash coupon on cars in a parking lot
- Give away an item (instead of selling it)
- Make a “take what you need” sign
Random Acts of Kindness at the Park
- Leave bubbles or outside toys for kids to find
- Hide kindness rocks with positive messages
- Hide filled Easter eggs
- Bury “treasure” in a sandbox
- Write a positive message in chalk
- Pick up litter
- Bring a towel and dry off the swings and slide if they’re wet

Random Acts of Kindness in the Community
- Leave a treat or thank you note for your mail carrier
- Deliver treats to your local fire station
- Deliver a treat to your local police station
- Donate needed supplies to your neighborhood’s school
- Donate gently loved books to a school
- Give a cold drink to an outside worker
- Volunteer in your community
- Send a care package to a military serviceperson
- Leave coins on a parking meeter
- Leave a thank you note on a veteran’s car
Random Acts of Kindness at Work
- Buy coffee or tea for your team
- Clean the office refrigerator or microwave
- Bring in a homemade treat to share
- Learn everyone’s name; smile and greet them by name everyday
- Leave positive notes on coworkers’ desks
Random Acts of Kindness at Restaurants
- Pay for another table
- Leave a generous tip
- Give a small toy or coloring book to a child who looks restless
- Pay for the person behind you in the drive through
- Leave a nice note or small gift for the wait staff
- Tell the manager how great your service was
Random Acts of Kindness for People in Need
- Donate your hair
- Donate blood
- Give blessing bags to homeless
- Fill a purse with items for a homeless woman
- Leave a pack of baby wipes and a note of encouragement for a mom on the changing table in the bathroom
- Donate essential baby items to a pregnancy center
- Donate items to a women’s shelter or other nonprofit organization
- Donate to a food bank
Random Acts of Kindness for Animals
- Pay an adoption fee of an animal at a shelter that has been there a long time
- Give to an animal shelter in need
- Volunteer at an animal shelter
- Foster an animal if you are able
- If you find a lost dog, find it’s owner instead of taking it to the shelter
- Leave tennis balls or dog toys at the dog park
- Leave some treats at a dog park
Random Acts of Kindness at the Library
- Leave money in random library books
- Leave encouraging notes in library books
- Donate gently used books to the library
- Bring the librarians a treat or write them a thank you note
- Leave homemade bookmarks in library books
- Donate toys to your library (if they use toys at story time like ours does!)
Random Acts of Kindness at the Store
- Pay for a birthday cake at the bakery
- Buy a grocery store gift card and give it to someone you pass in the aisle
- Pay for groceries for the person behind you
- Leave coupon’s near the products that they are for
- Put away all of the stray carts in the parking lot
- Leave $1 bills in the toy section at the dollar store
- Leave a gift card hidden at the store
- Write encouraging notes to leave in the dressing room
- Put quarters in the candy machine
- Leave extra stamps in the greeting card section
- Leave a positive review for your favorite business
- Ask to speak to a manager and give an employee a compliment for a job well done (or fill out a survey if they have one!)
- Buy your cashier a drink or candy bar
- If a store has layaway, pay off someone’s purchase

Random Acts of Kindness at a Hopital
- Bring treats for doctors or nurses
- Donate coloring books and crayons to the waiting rooms
- Donate magazines or leave books in the waiting rooms
- Ask what is needed in the pediatric unit and donate those items
- Write positive messages on cards for patients
- Buy flowers for a patient who doesn’t get many visitors
- Buy coffee for parents who have a baby in the NICU (or any parent with a child in the hospital!)
- Leave positive messages hidden throughout the hospital
- Leave coins at the vending machine so someone can get a snack
Random Acts of Kindness for Seniors
- Give flowers to seniors
- Visit a nursing home or assisted living facility and visit
- Help with yard work or other household chores
- Deliver dinner for an elderly neighbor or invite them to your home for dinner
- Donate needed supplies to an assisted living facility
- Write & deliver cards to seniors
- Donate dolls or stuffed animals to patients with Alzheimer’s
- Donate activities (arts and crafts, books, games, etc) to an assisted living facility
Random Acts of Kindness in your Neighborhood
- Wheel in your neighbor’s garbage can
- Rake a neighbor’s yard or shovel their driveway
- Mow a neighbor’s lawn
- Weed their flowerbeds when they aren’t home
- Offer to babysit
- Bring over vegetables from your garden
- Leave an anonymous note complimenting their yard, holiday decor, etc
- Do a nice “ding dong ditch” and leave them a treat on their doorstep
- Leave ingredients for a full dinner on a neighbor’s doorstep!
- Stop at a lemonade stand and make a donation
Random Acts of Kindness you can do Online
- Fund a loan on Kiva (loans have a 96.7% repayment rate!)
- Support a small business or artist (can also be done in person 🙂
- Make a donation to a teacher’s request on Donor’s Choose
- Join Soldiers’ Angels
- Or send a care package to a soldier via Any Soldier
- Sponsor a child in need (lots of options available if you google that phrase!)
Again, please let me know if you have any other ideas to add to the list!
Tap or hover to pin any image for later!

Is there a place to print the cute little cards you leave with your random acts of kindness? Love these ideas and want to do them with my kiddos. Thank you!!
Shelley Jansen
I think you just asked this on Instagram? But in case that was a different Lindsey…I’m working on putting together a blog post with them ASAP! 🙂 I’m glad you like the ideas!!
Ashley Turner
This is truly inspiring and something I think I should definitely do this winter as I think only if the torcher of snow
Shelley Jansen
Thanks so much Ashley! I’m going to try and finish up my 30 this week!