Sneak Peek review, tips and reveal!
A few weeks ago Sneak Peek sent me their Fast Track gender DNA test kit to try. As you may know, I am a big planner, so I was eager to find out the gender early! You can take the test at home, as early as 8 weeks with 99.1% accuracy- so why not try it?!
Thank you to Sneak Peek for gifting me their product; all thoughts and opinions are my own.
How it works:
Sneak Peek sends you a kit with everything you need to complete the test at home! You poke your finger and collect blood in a vial. After blood is collected, you place the vial back in the shipping bag provided by Sneak Peek and it is sent back to their labs.
The best part? You can find out the gender in as little as 72 hours! I was shocked at how quickly I got my results!!

Tips for taking the Sneak Peek test:
The first time I took the test, I actually received inconclusive results. This can happen because of mild contamination, not enough blood or not being mixed with preservative soon enough. In my case, I had some trouble collecting my blood the first time, so I think it took too long and clotted. The good news is, they send you another test for free! So I was still able to learn the gender within a few days of receiving my inconclusive results.
The second time I took the test, I DID receive my results. I asked a lot of my nurse and doctor friends for tips on how to collect my blood easier and here are a few of their suggestions that I did before taking the second test:
- Make sure your hands are warm before taking the test. Run them under warm water.
- Really get the blood flowing. I walked up and down our stairs, did arm circles AND jumping jacks beforehand haha
- Drink lots of water! It will be a lot harder to collect blood if you are dehydrated.
- Set a timer. Sneak Peek suggests collecting blood within 10 minutes to prevent clotting, so I set a timer for 10 minutes so I wouldn’t keep checking the clock.
- Watch this video. The instructions are sealed inside the box (which you shouldn’t open prior to taking this test). Watching this video helped me feel more prepared!
After following these tips, I was able to collect blood much more quickly and receive my results!
Pros/cons to the Sneak Peek test:
- You can find out the gender SO early! This is great if you are the type who likes to plan ahead 😉 Knowing the gender also personally helps me bond with the baby earlier on.
- The test is done at home-this is especially nice if you have other children OR if there happens to be a pandemic going on and you are supposed to be social distancing 😉
- Results are 99.1% accurate-pretty darn good!
- If you are squeamish around blood, this might not be a great option for you. But they DO offer a clinical version if that is the case!
- It was a little harder for me to collect blood than I anticipated. But hopefully the tips I shared in this post will help you!
Overall, I really enjoyed my experience. I was impressed by the customer service and speed of results. It was fun to learn the results so early and learn that…
we are having our second baby boy! I am so excited for Henry to have a brother and can’t wait to see them grow up together!

I hope this post was helpful if you are considering trying the Sneak Peek test! Feel free to send me an email or leave a comment with any questions!