Sticky Note Brain Dump Printable
This year has been such a challenging one on SO many levels. If you are anything like me, your family’s schedule, routine and life in general have changed multiple times through the past 6 months. In an effort to keep up with life and our ever changing world as much as possible, I have tried a lot of different planning styles.
For me personally, this is just NOT the year to use a planner. I bought one in January and it has remained pretty much untouched. Instead, important dates go on our family wall calendar and the rest I try and tackle weekly using my printables. I have found weekly planning to be the most effective because so much can change week to week! It also really helps me stay present and less anxious about the what the future may (or may not) hold.
While I have tried multiple different weekly planning methods, I keep repeatedly returning to my brain dump strategy! This method has evolved from me writing it down in a notebook, to a printable version and finally to this one!

This new version is very similar to the one below, but instead of using the right side as a “brain dump”, I made it into three different sections- to use in the way that would work best for you! You could have a section for: family, kids, sports, cleaning, meals, self care, priority level, etc- completely up to you!

I chose to use sticky notes because the color blocking helps my brain categorize 😉 AND because you can layer multiple sticky notes if you have a long list!
This version is also designed to be laminated and used over and over again. If you choose to laminate yours, you can write in dry erase marker or use a sharpie and rubbing alcohol to remove!
In this update of the brain dump printable, I also included versions of the original that include Saturday and Sunday (instead of just “weekend”) AND one that starts on Sunday, rather than Monday. Hopefully with these eight different options you can find one that best fits your needs- but if not, feel free to let me know any specific requests and I will see what I can do! 😉
Click here to download the free printables!
Text or hover on any image to pin and save for later: