1000 Declutter Challenge
Over the next few months I am making it a goal to get 1000 “things” out of our home. Call me crazy, but I’m just done dealing with the clutter. Dealing with it takes away so much precious away from people I love and frankly, I would rather do MANY other things besides clean up all day, every day.
I successfully completed the #minsgame last year and while I made a pretty big dent in our stuff, there is still quite a bit left! I wanted to play again, but without as strict of rules. So in this version, all you have to do is color in a box for each item that leaves your home. You can do 500 items in a day or 5, it doesn’t matter–make it work for you! Similarly the time frame is completely up to you- do it in a month or do it in a year–make it work for you! 😉
You can do it alone, or find a partner to “compete” with! See who can find more items or finish the 1000 declutter challenge first!
The point of this printable is just to act as some visual motivation for decluttering your home. I know for me, it is super motivating to know exactly how much stuff I am parting with!
I honestly don’t even know if I will get to 1000 items, but if I get to a point where I can’t find anymore to declutter, then that will be even better 😉
Want to join me? Click here to download your free printable!
Tap or hover the image to pin and save for later!

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