2020 New Year's Goals Printables
Looking for 2021 printables? Click here to find this year’s version!
A new year (and decade!) are almost here! Use these 2020 New Year’s goal setting printables to help you set and achieve your goals this year!
New Year’s is one of my favorite holidays. Not because of the NYE celebration (let’s be real-I’ll probably be asleep before midnight!) but because it’s the perfect occasion to set some new goals!
Of course you can set goals any time of year-but there is something so motivating about the fresh start of a new year! Why not build on that motivation and dream big?!
This post will be sharing three free printables that I used (and LOVED) last year to help you brainstorm and achieve some new goals in 2020! You can use all three, or pick and choose the printables you want-make it work for YOU!
Just a note–two of the printables have six categories for goal setting (home, personal, health, finances, relationships, work). However, I totally understand if these categories don’t work for you and also included blank versions so that you can fill in your own categories!
2020 New Year’s Goals Brainstorming Printable

I use this first printable to organize my thoughts and brainstorm ideas for my goals. There is a version with labeled categories, as well as one that is blank, in case you would like to use different categories than the ones I chose. I think of this as a kind of “brain dump” for my goals- I list everything I can think of that I might want to work on in the new year!
2020 New Year’s Goals Sticky Note Printables

The next printables are designed to use with small square post it notes. Sticky notes are great for setting goals, because if you are anything like me, your goals might change a few times throughout January (or even the rest of the year!) Life happens and plans change (and that is OKAY!) This printable makes any changes feel flexible instead of like a failure.
Similarly to the brainstorming printable, this one has a labeled version with different categories, as well as a blank one for you to write in your own.
My favorite part about this set of printables is that it doesn’t just help you set goals for the new year, but the monthly and weekly goal pages help you to actually achieve your goals. Each month I look at my yearly goals and think about what steps I need to take that month to help me reach my yearly goals. You can then go a step further if you want and set weekly goals, based off of your monthly goals! You can read more about this process here.

Completed 2020 Goals Printable

The third and final way I like to visualize my goals is with this “to do” and “completed” layout. It is pretty self explanatory, but I simply start the year with my goals written on the “to do” side and move them to the complete side once they are, well, complete 😉 This is an easy way to see what you have accomplished AND helps you to set measurable goals (if they aren’t measurable, how will you know when you have accomplished them and can move them?)
I personally keep this in my bullet journal, but I have included a printable version if you would prefer that! To make the sticky note flags, I just cut larger sticky notes into halves or thirds.
I hope these printables help you to dream up (and achieve) some amazing goals in 2020! Please tag me on Instagram if you happen to share! 🙂
Phone Background:
I made an image of my goals that corresponds my 2020 goal sheet that I am using as my phone’s background. This way I am always reminded of my goals! If you want to use it, save one of the images below (or screenshot it!). Then add text to it using an app on your phone or computer. You could even upload it to stories, add the text and then save the image to your phone (instead of posting it 😉 )

Tap or hover any image to pin and save for later.

I love this! I used your starburst format last year and absolutely loved it! Can’t to try out the monthly sticky note idea! The one goal I fall down on every year is writing – now with a new blog up and running I am COMMITTING to journaling every night to help me come up with ideas and getting those ideas out in weekly blog posts. Thanks for all of your encouragement!
Shelley Jansen
Thanks so much Kelsey!! I can’t wait to follow along with your blog this year! 🙂
Sirli Fitriani
Thank you so much sis for this. I really like because very usefull for me.❤❤❤
Shelley Jansen
I am so glad that it is useful for you! You are so welcome!