30 before 30: 100 Ideas for your Birthday Bucket List
It seems like after my 25th birthday, each subsequent birthday became less and less exciting. This year I turned 29 and was truthfully dreading it! Something about being so close to 30 was scary!
To help make my birthday more positive and to give myself something to look forward to this year, I created a 30 before 30 bucket list. This birthday bucket list is comprised of 30 tasks that I am committing to completing by my 30th birthday.
Here is the list that I came up with! I chose to handwrite mine on a big piece of paper so that I could hang it in my office and see it frequently. However, you could definitely write your list in a notebook or type it instead.

As I was creating my list, I asked for ideas on Instagram. I received so many great suggestions, that I decided to compile all of our ideas into one massive list. I tried to keep the ideas realistic for most people’s budgets, because while extravagant ideas are fun in theory, they often aren’t feasible 🙂 I hope that you will be able to use this list as inspiration to create your OWN birthday bucket list, whether that is 30 before 30, 25 before 25, or maybe even 50 before 50!
You can download a free PDF of the entire list here!

1. Climb a mountain
2. Read 30 books
3. Sky dive
4. Run a half marathon (or one mile, 5k, marathon, etc)
5. Do 30 push ups at once
6. Visit a new state
7. Pay off student loans
8. Go camping
9. Go to a drive in movie
10. Go to a concert
11. Start a garden
12. Visit Yellowstone
13. Write 100 blog posts
14. Learn photography
15. Try 30 new foods
16. Get to know your neighbors
17. Go on a road trip
18. Have family pictures taken
19. Host a party
20. Volunteer your time
21. Take a class
22. Learn to sew
23. Have a garage sale
24. Go sledding
25. Learn to ski or snowboard
26. Go kayaking or canoeing
27. Learn to make French macarons
28. Book a vacation (or take one!)
29. Make a list of what you accomplished in your 20’s
30. Create a piece of artwork for your home
31. Send snail mail each month
32. 30 random acts of kindness
33. Start (and keep!) a cleaning routine
34. Cut your own Christmas tree
35. Try 52 new recipes
36. Go ziplining
37. Learn to drive a stick shift
38. Learn self defense
39. See a live performance
40. Find something to be grateful for each day
41. Donate blood
42. Visit a new country
43. Make homemade ice cream
44. Learn how to dance
45. Go wine tasting
46. Visit the beach
47. Have a picnic
48. Bake a pie from scratch
49. Join a club
50. Declutter your digital life
51. Streamline your wardrobe
52. Complete a 30 day no spend challenge
53. Create a budget and stick to it
54. Parents only weekend getaway
55. Learn to play a musical instrument
56. Ask your grandparents to teach you a new skill
57. Get in the best shape of your life
58. Quit a bad habit
59. Hike 30 miles
60. Complete 12 projects around the house
61. Join a church you love
62. Get a manicure or pedicure
63. Learn a new language
64. Redecorate a room in your home
65. Visit the pumpkin patch and carve pumpkins
66. Go for a bike ride
67. Visit a museum
68. Clean out your closet
69. Switch to natural products in your home
70. Go to a comedy show
71. Get a massage
72. Try a capsule wardrobe
73. Konmari your house
74. Go stand up paddle boarding
75. Learn to surf
76. Go on a staycation
77. Be a tourist in your own city for a weekend
78. Learn to play chess
79. Start a blog
80. Completely unplug for a day
81. Go on a girl’s trip
82. Go horseback riding
83. See a Broadway musical
84. Go backpacking
85. Do a cleanse
86. Learn to play a new sport or game
87. Start (or add to) a retirement fund
88. Print photos off of your phone/computer
89. Go snorkeling or scuba diving
90. Read the Bible
91. Get a tattoo
92. Send a message in a bottle
93. Be an audience member on your favorite TV show
94. Have a _____ movie marathon
95. Go rollerskating
96. Try a form of exercise you’ve never done before
97. Complete a Whole 30
98. Make a savings plan
99. Plan a 30th birthday party or trip
100. Buy yourself an amazing 30th birthday present!
I hope this list was helpful! If you create your own list, tag me on Instagram. I would love to see your lists and follow along as you complete your birthday bucket list!
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