• Journaling

    15 [fun]ctional journal prompts: January

    Although I’m very much into journaling lately, I definitely don’t consider myself a journaling expert. But with that said- I do love peeking into other people’s journals for inspiration and new ideas! So each month I hope to share some [fun]ctional pages out of my journals to hopefully provide that for others as well. What are [fun]ctional journal prompts? Just a silly little name for how I think about my journaling practice: equal parts fun and/or useful! I don’t often resonate with the really reflective journal prompts that are commonly seen. I prefer to use my journal for playing around OR to serve a specific purpose. You’ll see examples of…

  • Journaling

    Favorite Journaling & Planning Supplies

    Before I get to this highly requested post- I just want to reiterate that favorite supplies are highly personal and will reflect the style of the journaler. AND also that you literally can use any notebook and pen combo that you have laying around to get started. Add some flair with your kids’ markers, stickers and cut some pretty pictures out of magazines! Truly, there is nothing that you NEED in order to journal. But I also understand wanting to know people’s favorites! So keeping that in mind, here you go ๐Ÿ™‚ The links below are affiliate links, thank you for your support! Favorite notebooks: Rettacy Spiral Dotted Notebooks If…