Day in the Life
I personally love watching other peoples “Day in the Life” series on Instagram, YouTube, or blogs, but I never feel like my life is exciting enough to do one of my own- especially during the thrilling times of quarantine haha. But, after having a few requests to do one, I finally did! I shared this originally on Instagram, so excuse the picture quality, but I wanted to upload it here as well so that I could have a place to add more details, links, etc. (This version will be more of a mix of text and pictures so this page doesn’t take a million years to load!)
6:30: Wake up. I typically wake up closer to 5:30 so I have time to do my morning routine, but pregnancy insomnia is real this week and I slept in a little. The first thing I did on this particular day is fill up my water- followed shortly by my coffee cup 😉 I had a few questions about my water bottle- it was a seasonal Hydroflask, but here is a super similar (and way cheaper) version on Amazon!
6:47: Checking in with my to do list for the day and seeing what needs to be done! Find the printable here.

6:58: Working on laundry. Yes, I only do it 1-2 days a week- having a break without laundry to do is amazing! You can read more about my weekly cleaning schedule here!

7:02: Gave the playroom a quick tidy- I don’t clean it daily, but do when it gets crazy! Kids get overwhelmed by messes just like we do & Henry plays so much better in a clean/organized space.

7:42: Quickly got ready for the day, with a little help from some dry shampoo 😉

7:54: Eating breakfast: a whole wheat english muffin, peanut butter, banana and cinnamon with greek yogurt. I got so many comments about our monitor-electrical tape is the best for dimming those bright lights! haha

8:15: Responded to DMs and comments on Instagram and updated my habit tracker.

8:34: Henry is up and we had our first tantrum of the day. This has been a really hard stage for us- he wants to communicate but doesn’t quite have enough words to express his feelings! If you are deep in the tantrum stage with your little one-know you aren’t alone.

9:13: Breakfast and books: my favorite part of our morning routine. We’ve done this since he was a baby!

9:23: Covid has resulted in a LOT more screen time than I would normally be okay with.

But, I’m trying to give myself some grace and also use the time wisely!

10:00: We go on at least one walk a day to get some exercise, fresh air and out of the house! Today we stopped by the playground since it was empty. My watch is linked here.

11:36: We got home and made blender muffins. Both Henry and I love these muffins! You can find this printable and the others for my recipe binder on this post.

11:44: While the muffins baked, we went outside and picked some lettuce for dinner.

12:54: Nap time and time to tackle this huge mess in the kitchen! My goal for nap time was to reset the kitchen, clean the kitchen, prep some food and finish a blog post.

2:07: I didn’t get it all done, but I did finish meal prepping! This granola is the best and SO easy to make. I make it with honey and do only one cup of nuts.

I also made Skinnytaste Greek pasta salad for lunches, prepped some toppings for our burger bowls for dinner, made roasted sweet potatoes and prepped some fruit!

3:24: I let Henry take way too long of a nap to get all of that done, but ended with a cleaner kitchen and a fridge full of healthy food. I don’t always prep food, but I never regret when I do! After I got Henry up from his nap, he had a snack, watched another show and played a little bit before Dad came home from work.

5:03: Left the library for the first time since March! They offered curbside service last month, but it was SO great to be able to go back inside. They are doing a great job keeping the area clean and safe. Henry was so SO excited for the books I brought home- I guess he is sick of me reading the same ones over and over too haha.

5:33: I needed gas so I ran inside for a little treat too 😉

6:00: I was able to get dinner on the table super quickly thanks to prepping at lunch time. I don’t have a real recipe for these burger bowls, but here is what they included: typical burger toppings (avocado, pickles, tomatoes, cheese, etc), some veggies we needed to use up (bell pepper and cucumber), ground meat (seasoned with garlic salt, onion powder, salt and pepper) and roasted sweet potatoes. Top it with your favorite condiments as “dressing”- we used special sauce and mustard.

6:42: My husband took Henry on a walk, so I used that time to work on the kitchen a little more and clean up dinner.

8:00: After Henry was home and in bed, I went on a walk by myself and called my mom. Solo walks are something I started doing this year and are so great for my mental health!
8:50: I didn’t get a chance to start my blog post until late! It seems like I do a good job being consistent with my blog, or keeping up with my house- but never both at the same time! Always searching for that balance.

10:18: I finally called it a night and crawled into bed!
So there is my “real life” day in the life! If nothing else, I hope this made you less alone and realize just how much of a highlight real Instagram is. I think I answered the questions I received, but please let me know if I missed something!