Free Spring Mile Tracker Printable
I talked earlier this year about how I wanted to start running more this year and eventually complete a half marathon! I set a goal to run or walk 100 miles by Valentine’s Day (using this mile tracker)— but if I’m being honest– it didn’t happen. We’ve had snow on the ground since December and Henry has had a hard time at the gym childcare. So, while I have been working out at home, running hasn’t happened much.
I can’t WAIT for the snow to melt and to be able to get outside to walk or run again. Since I unfortuantley don’t know when that will be, I wanted to make an updated mile tracker printable where you can set your own completion goal date! That way we can all start whenever our weather finally allows.
Simply color in how many miles you run or walk. I use different colors so that I can keep track of how many runs I complete, but remember to use this printable in a way that makes sense for you and your fitness goals! If you want to use it biking, hiking or walking, that totally works! Use it as some extra motivation to be more active and have fun with it! 🙂
As soon as this dang snow melts, I will be posting my progress towards completing my 100 miles over on Instagram (@letsliveandlearn) so make sure you are following me there! And please let me know if you are going to be joining in, so I can follow YOU and cheer you on!
Click the image below to download your free mile tracker printable!
Tap or hover any image to pin for later!