Monthly To Do List Printable
I like lists because they give me a roadmap of where to take my day/week/month. Without them, I often start to feel overwhelmed, like I don’t know where to start, and then I end up doing nothing. Can anyone else relate?!
But the thing is, as much as I love making lists, lately I’ve been tired (hi old friend, pregnancy insomnia!) and honestly haven’t even wanted to spend the time/energy to make lists.
I asked myself how I could simplify my lists and came up with this one that will last me all month. I can easily print it off and won’t be constantly rewriting the same things on my list over and over.

The one I made for myself includes references to my zone cleaning schedule BUT don’t worry if zone cleaning isn’t your thing- I made a blank version for you that is also included in the download (see below 😉 )

As you can see, they are both pretty similar– there is also one more hybrid version included…I hope one of them works for you!
How to use the monthly to do list printable:
The top portion is simply a month long habit tracker. Write in the habits or tasks that you would like to complete daily and color in the corresponding squares once that task is complete for the day!
The middle section is for tasks that you would like to get done weekly. For example, I meal plan and grocery shop every week. I feels redundant to always write it on my to do list- I love with this printable I can just check it off each week as I complete it!
I left the bottom section blank because it is the perfect amount of space for two sticky notes 😉 I plan on using this space for meal planning/important dates/ or other “to do” list items that are specific to that week or month. I wanted you to be able to use this one printable for the entire month, so simply change out the sticky notes as needed!
I think that’s it! Let me know if you have any questions either in the comments below or over on Instagram. Otherwise…
Click here for your free monthly to do list printable! Enjoy!