My PM Routine
I am a big believer in the importance of rhythms and routines- but I have to say, they do NOT come naturally to me. After sharing my AM routine post earlier this year, I got several requests to share my PM routine. Guess what? At that time-it didn’t exist! I started the beginning of this year with a list of routines that I wanted to simplify and committed to establishing one of these routines at a time. But the good news is, after I got my morning routine down, I started focusing on my evening routine and I finally feel like it is habit enough that I can share!
This post will be sharing my evening routine, but please keep in mind that there is no one “right” way to have a PM routine- and chances are if you copy someone elses- it might not work for you (I might have tried this a few times 😉 I will also share the steps of why and how I created my PM routine, to help you create your own!
Why a PM routine is important:
The number one reason I wanted to establish a routine in the evenings is because I am the WORST sleeper. I’ve had trouble falling asleep for YEARS and everything that I have heard/read says that having a good nighttime routine is step one in fixing your sleep! Spoiler alert- it is really true! I don’t sleep perfectly, but within a few days of starting this routine I was sleeping SO much better. For me I think that a routine helps quiet my mind- I’m able to unwind, relax and also not be stressing about the next day.
How I established an evening routine:
- Similarly to how I tackle most things in my life: I made a list 😉 I first brainstormed a big list of ideas based on research of what I could possibly include in my routine. I then narrowed it down to these 5 which I thought would best suit my personality and needs at this stage in my life!
- Trial and error: I tried a few different things that I liked the idea of, but they just didn’t end up working for me! Instead of quitting my whole routine, I just got rid of that component and replaced it with something that worked better.
- Add one habit at a time: This step was CRUCIAL for me. Adding all of these things at one time would have been extremely overwhelming to me and would have caused me to quit. Instead, I started with developing a good self care routine- then after I felt like that had become a habit, I added the list making, and so on.

What my PM routine consists of:
- 15 minute tidy: I attempt to “reset” the main living areas to how they should be each night. But instead of stressing about getting it ALL done, I set a timer and do as much as I can in that time. This helps me personally, because I really dislike cleaning (especially at the end of a long day!); setting a timer makes me not dread it as long because I know it won’t be an hour long task. And most of the time I end up finishing in the 15 minutes!
- Snack+ social media: I know some people avoid eating at night- but I have found that personally I sleep a LOT better when I have a snack in the evening (especially when pregnant). During that time I also catch up on social media comments and DMs, as well as texts!

- Self care: Next I wash my face and care for my teeth. I would like to say that I have a fancy skin care regimen-but I sure don’t 😉 Probably should start looking into one now that I am 30!

- List for next day: Making a list for the next day is probably the most helpful thing that I have done to improve my sleep! I am able to rest better knowing that I have a plan in place for the next day. However, I do try and avoid doing too close to bedtime! Otherwise I have a hard time turning off my brain.

- Phone off by 8:30: This is another huge one for me and one that I am sure you have heard before! At 8:30 I turn my phone on Do Not Disturb mode- about 1.5 hours before bed.
- Read before bed at 10pm: After my phone is off, I usually climb in bed to read for an hour or so! Some nights I watch something on TV with my husband instead, but I always try and read in the time just before falling asleep. I almost always read fiction books at night and save the nonfiction ones for the morning!

Other ideas for your PM routine:
These are all things that I do sporadically in the evening, but might try and incorporate regularly as my current evening routine becomes second nature.
- Take a bath: sometimes I switch it up and read in the bath instead!
- Journal: I tend to do this if I am really stressed about something- it helps to get it out of your head and onto paper! I also want to get in the habit of writing in my Line a Day journal.
- Gratitude list: I do this consistently throughout different seasons of my life. It is defintley nice to go to sleep with these thoughts!
- Drinking uncaffeinated tea: I love to drink Sleepytime tea on occasion when I am feeling restless in the evening!
And here are a few ideas that I don’t do, but might be great for you!
- meditation
- Stretching
- yoga
- prepping for the next day-lunches, clothes, etc.
- essential oils or lighting a candle
- any other ideas? Share them in a comment and I will add them to the list!