Post It Note Goal Setting Printable Template
Use this free printable post it note goal setting template and some regular sized sticky notes to help you set weekly and monthly goals! A few months ago, I created these monthly and weekly post it note goal setting templates. They were designed to encourage you set bigger monthly goals and then break them down into smaller goals each week–so…
My favorite books in 2019
I challenged myself to read 30 books in the year before I turned 30 and I am happy to say that I a few weeks before I turn 30, I finished them all! I chose my books based on recommendations from friends, as well as off of the Amazon charts. The books that I chose are a good mix of…
The best books for toddlers that maybe you haven’t heard of!
The best books for toddlers that you might not have heard of! A growing list of unique books that are age appropriate, educational and engaging. Great books to add to your home library that you and your little one with BOTH enjoy reading! As a former teacher, we have a LOT of books in our house. I have books from…
Sticky Note Fall Bucket List
I’ve always loved the idea of seasonal bucket lists and have wanted to make my own for a long time now. However, I could never find one where I liked all of the included ideas! So I decided to combine my love of sticky notes with a bucket list and create my own version! Not only does this allow you…
The Minimalist Game Printable
A free printable for you to use when playing the #minsgame! For so long now I have wanted to declutter, organize and simplify our lives. I truly believe that if your environment is cluttered, then so is your mind. It’s hard to focus on what really matters when you constantly are surrounded by STUFF. There’s less quality time with family…