8 Easy Brain Dump Ideas
If you’ve been here awhile, you might know that I LOVE making lists. I make lists for any and everything. While I love all lists, my very favorite type of lists to make are “brain dumps”. Read on to find 8 creative brain dump ideas to use when you are feeling overwhelmed-free printables included! What is a “brain dump”? A brain dump is taking all of the ideas, tasks, worries, thoughts, etc, in your head and “dumping” them onto paper. The point is to get all of the things that might be causing you stress or anxiety out of your head; just the simple act of writing them down can…
How to get out of a dinner rut!
Do you ever feel like you eat the same few meals every. single. week? I know that I defintley do! I try my best to make new recipes buuut I also make crockpot chili wayyy more often than I would like to admit!! I mean, my list of go-to recipes are GOOD, but after having them for 3924 months in a row…they get old (I think my husband would agree! haha) When I find myself in a cooking rut and just can’t seem to figure out what to make, here are the exact things that I do! Hopefully some of these tips will help you switch up your meal plan…
How to start and use a bullet journal: a simple, no frills, real life guide.
This much requested post will explain the basics of exactly how to create and use a bullet journal. If you follow me on social media, you have probably seen my bullet journal a lot. However, what you have seen are all of my prettiest pages. What you haven’t seen is how I use the bullet journal in my daily life (which– spoiler alert–isn’t as pretty!) There are a lot of posts out there on how to bullet journal–this one will be different because I purposely chose to show you the simple, everyday pages that are real life–ink smears and all. ANYONE can make, use and maintain a bullet journal and…
5 Ways to Use Sticky Notes in your Bullet Journal
If you follow me on Instagram, you already know how much I love using sticky notes in my bullet journal!  Sticky notes are convenient for so many reasons, but the number one benefit is that the page becomes reusable and you don’t have to create the same list over and over again! Sticky notes are such a huge time saver and help make your bullet journal even more efficient. Here are five ways that I have been using sticky notes in my bullet journal lately: 1. To do lists I use sticky notes to create a reusable to do list in my bullet journal for both weekly and daily tasks. When the…
How I’m Making Hard Times Feel Better
Let me start by saying–this isn’t my typical type of blog post. It’s very personal and not very concise and I’m sure the grammar isn’t great. I wrote this out as a way to process and thought I would share it just in case it is helpful for anyone else to read. I know it’s always helpful for me to read other people perspectives during similar challenges, so I hope I can provide a sense of solidarity to a few of you if possible. As I mentioned on my Instagram post- I’m not at all sharing this for pity. I know that unfortuantley there are far worse things going on…