Sticky Note Time Blocking Printable Template
Free time blocking printable template that is much more flexible than typical time blocking because you can use sticky notes for each chunk of time- and move them around if need be!
I LOVE the idea of time blocking (assigning a specific task to each hour or part of the day) but what I don’t love about it, is how rigid it is! Being a stay/work at home mom with a toddler means that life doesn’t always go as planned. By using sticky notes, I can rearrange the day as needed when something inevitably comes up. Most sticky notes get repeated everyday, but there are a few times of the day that often get switched around. For example, at night when my husband is home, we might watch a show instead of read or I might need to do something else during nap time besides clean! I keep any extra sticky notes on the next page so that I can switch them out & reuse them as needed.

I also chose to color code each time block. The pink sticky notes are my “me time” where I do any cleaning, work on the blog, or do anything that is more difficult when Henry is around. The blue sticky notes are when Henry is awake. He is currently a little hurricane, so doing a ton of cleaning or using my computer when he is awake, just doesn’t work in this season.
Setting up my time like this has really helped me focus and be more productive because there isn’t any question of “what should I do during nap today?” or thinking “I’ll get to that later”. It also helps alleviate any anxiety about how I’m going to get it all done. I have a plan-and most days I’m able to stick to it 😉

I originally created a sticky note time block template in a regular notebook, however I had quite a few people request a printable. I included TONS of different options for the template because I know that everyone’s schedules vary so much. I included everything from different sized sticky notes to different wake times AND if you can’t find a template that matches your schedule there are blank versions where you can write in your own times.

I hope that you can find a template that works for you and helps you feel productive and accomplished!
Click here or on the picture below to download your copy! (Remember to select only the page you want when printing)
Tap or hover any image to pin and save for later.