Weekly Habit Tracker Printable
Download and print this free weekly habit tracker template to help you set and achieve goals by focusing on one week at a time!
October was a crazy month for our family. Our days were filled with all good things, like traveling, having family visit and fun fall activities…but with all the fun comes piles of laundry, lots of eating out, a lack of workouts, and overall just feeling “off”.
I knew that with a new month starting it was time to get back on track! This month I am recommitting to consistently implementing some positive habits in my life. I honestly need to get back on track with ALL areas of my life- cleaning, water intake, healthy eating, you name it. This could potentially be very overwhelming, so I decided to start small and tackle it one week at a time.

I will be using this weekly habit tracker to focus on implementing and sticking to my habits each week. Habit trackers traditionally have all 30 days on one page. By only focusing on 7 days at a time, it feels much more manageable AND gives you a fresh start each week in case you aren’t as successful as you’d hoped.

This is a fairly simple printable that can be easily replicated in your bullet journal or notebooks-BUT sometimes you just don’t have the time to mess with drawing it out. I hope that this printable eliminates an extra step for you and makes achieving your goals even easier! The printable is black and white so you can print it on any color of paper.
You can click here or on the image below to download you free copy. Don’t forget to print out enough copies for each week of the month! Here’s to a productive month!
Tap or hover any image to pin and save for later!