What I Read in July
The 10 books I read in July!

Favorite parts:
- This book is beautifully written with well developed characters that you grow to love.
- I loved how much background we got to the mystery and characters- it is often what I miss in “typical” thrillers.
- I loved the references to and inclusion of art 🎨
- Lots of short chapters which kept me turning the pages. I also enjoyed the style in which the story was told- it felt as if I was piecing together a puzzle along with the characters.
- The ending was satisfying and tied together nicely.
Parts I could’ve done without:
- There were a lot of religious messages that didn’t feel necessary to me or authentic to the characters. I could have done without them and the many pop culture references that also went over my head.
- While there were several other good surprises, one of the biggest “mysteries” I guessed at the very beginning- this left me feeling slightly underwhelmed at the ending.
- It was very long. As a result, I sometimes found it hard to keep track of some of the characters and smaller details. If I were reading it again, I’d try to read it quickly or in larger chunks of time so that all of those details stayed fresh in my mind.
- Without any spoilers, I was hoping for a different outcome for Saint’s character.
Overall: This book (and especially the characters) are memorable and I enjoyed reading it. The high quality writing easily deserves 5 stars, but due to my personal preferences I’d give my experience of reading it 4/5 stars. I would still highly recommend it to anyone looking for a literary mystery & can see why Chris Whitaker is such an acclaimed author. I look forward to reading more of his work. (I’d love to discuss this one if anyone has read it! It would make a great bookclub book.)

Favorite parts:
- I loved the commentary on social media/influencers. As someone who has shared online for years and is currently taking a social media break, I found the commentary especially interesting and relevant.
- I don’t always love audiobooks, but this one was very well done. The different narrators were great and made the book even more entertaining.
Parts I could’ve done without:
- The “thriller” part of the book wasn’t very…thrilling. I kept reading for the characters, not the plot. The storyline dragged a little bit and I didn’t find the big reveal very interesting.
Overall: If the commentary on influencers and social media interests you- I’d recommend it! If not, I’d pick another thriller instead. 3.5/5 stars

Favorite parts:
- Loved both Briana’s and Jacob’s characters. Jacob was so sweet!
- Loved the inclusion of anxiety- especially in a male character.
- Loved the letters and journaling- right up my alley!
Parts I could’ve done without:
- The ending felt…unrealistic? I can’t say too much without spoilers, but the characters’ reactions didn’t seem like they’d happen in real life.
Overall: Super cute addition to the Part of Your World trilogy. Abby Jimenez might be converting me to someone who enjoys romance novels!! I love that her books have a little bit of depth and aren’t quite as predictable and cliche as others in the genre. 4/5 stars

Metabolism Makeover: I liked that this book focused on sustainable weight loss without having to track every calorie, or exercise for hours a day. She calls her method “informed intuitive eating” which really resonated with me. I like how she explained the why behind each part of her method and it overall seemed really do-able. I’ll report back after I start implementing some of her ideas.

Favorite parts:
- This book ties together the trilogy SO well.
- As usual, I like how Abby Jimenez includes other topics (such as mental health) to give the storyline more depth.
- As a parent, the inclusion of the children in this book made the story feel more relatable.
Parts I could’ve done without:
- I wanted just a little more follow up at the end- what happened to all the characters?!
Overview: Each book in the Part of Your World trilogy got better and better! This one was my favorite and would have been a five star read except for my few lingering questions. I highly recommend the whole series & encourage you to give them a try even if you think (like I did!) that you aren’t a romance reader 😉 4.5/5 stars

The Borrowed Life of Frederick Fife: This was a heart warming story of Fred, who mistakenly takes over the life of another older gentleman after an accident. He moves into his home at the senior care facility and the reader gets to see what happens as a result.
Favorite parts:
- Fred’s character was endearing, quirky, and easy to love.
- I loved the found family troupe and seeing Fred find “his people”, even if it was later in life.
- I enjoyed the commentary on the treatment of seniors and the plights that they face that are often overlooked, such as, loneliness, financial instability, loss of purpose, dementia, less than stellar care, etc.
Parts I could’ve done without:
- The pacing felt a little slow to me at times. This is a much more character driven novel; I wish a little more had happened in the plot.
- It definitely requires a suspension of disbelief.
- Lots of senior citizen “potty talk”, sometimes it was funny, sometimes it felt over the top.
Overall: This was a heart warming read with some deeper social commentary on problems that senior citizens face. I recommend it for readers who are looking for a feel good story with a slower pace and a charming protagonist.
Thank you to NetGalley and William Morrow for providing a digital ARC of the book to read and review.

I’ve read all three of T.J. Newman’s books and they just keep getting better! She does such a great job writing books with fast paced storylines AND well developed characters that you care about. This book takes place over the course of 16 hours- yet I still found myself connecting with, and rooting for the characters. The dual storylines kept me turning the pages- I was equally invested in both the disaster at the nuclear plant as well as the accident on the bridge.
I also loved the theme of unifying a divided country, as well as the commentary on the implications having (or not having) children. I found myself feeling a full spectrum of emotions as I was reading- anxiety, frustration, admiration, hope, sadness, and despite it being a work in fiction, it restored my faith in humanity. Overall, it was an entertaining, thrilling, and memorable book that I’d highly recommend!
Thank you to NetGalley and Little, Brown and Company for providing a digital ARC of the book to read and review.

The Invincible Summer of Juniper Jones
This was a cute YA novel about a biracial boy sent to live with his aunt and uncle in a small town in Alabama, where racism is still very present. It tells the story of the friendship he forms with a quirky girl named Juniper Jones. This book was cute and an important read, but definitely read like a YA book to me. Juniper’s character didn’t seem to match her age; she came across as almost too lighthearted and innocent to be believable. And as a whole (as an adult reader) I was just left wanting a little more. I do think it would be a great read for a teenager though! 3.5/5 stars

I really didn’t care for this one. Very slow and repetitive. Not a very “thrilling” thriller. 2/5 stars

I loved this book! It was like a self improvement encyclopedia, filled with actionable tips to help you live your best life in all areas. The only “negative” was that there are SO many tips and ideas that it can feel a little overwhelming. I tabbed a whole bunch of pages that I want to try and implement and I plan on picking 1-2 to try at a time. this is the perfect book if you’re feeling “stuck” in any area of life- you’re sure to find at least a handful of tips to help you move forward and crate a life you love. 5/5 stars