Consistency quote: consistency is more important than perfection.
Self Care

July’s focus: Consistency

Consistency is one area where I, um,… consistently struggle. I have the best intentions to start a new routine, pursue a new hobby, get healthier, etc. I tend to start out strong, but inevitably I miss a day or two and then end up quitting all together.

It wasn’t until I saw the quote- consistency is more important than perfection– that I realized WHY I struggle so much with consistency. It’s because I’m hesitant to do anything imperfectly! I don’t want to post an “imperfect” blog post- so I end up only posting one a month. I don’t have time to do an hour long intense workout- so I sit on the couch instead. I have some cookies instead of fruit for a snack- so I blow my whole diet. And the list goes on and on and on.

SO from now on, this is my new motto. Consistency > perfection. My goal is to become more consistent with my blog, in my relationships, with caring for my home and with my personal health and self care.

Here are three ways I plan to start working towards consistency in these areas this month:

Mattie James’ Consistency Challenge:

I have big dreams for my blog, but perfectionism holds me back BIG time. I happened to run across Mattie James’ consistency challenge on Instagram this week, which is actually what inspired this entire post. This gist of her challenge? To blog 5x a week through the end of the month. This is going to be a HUGE challenge from me-I typically post once a week (if that!) But I know that this will push me through my fear of perfectionism and to get my ideas out there. Eek- wish me luck!

Monthly Habit Tracker:

When I consistently use a habit tracker, I consistently hit my goals and develop habits (imagine that 😉 ) I plan on using a habit tracker until baby is here in October to help me develop some consistent habits. You can read more about how I use habit trackers on this post and download my free monthly habit trackers here!

July Monthly Habit Tracker Printable: A free download to help you track your habits and reach your goals! July, August & September 2020 #habittrackers #monthlyhabittracker #printable

Step Bet:

Moving my body consistently during pregnancy is a challenge for me. I tend to have an “all or nothing” mindset when it comes to working out and if I can’t get it a full workout, I end up doing nothing. A few months ago I joined my first Step Bet. The idea is that you pay a fee to participate, which goes into a pot. If you meet your step goal 6/7 days for the length of the challenge you get to split the pot with the other winners! If not, you lose your money (typically $40!) I plan to continue participating in Step Bet challenges through October because getting in a few good daily walks is defintley better than doing nothing!

Another bonus tip is to share your goals publicly! 😉 This helps keep me accountable and motivates me on days when I feel like giving up. So this is me sharing some big goals- be sure to check back at the end of the month to see if I was successful (and what impact consistency had on my life this month!)

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