• 2019 New Year's Resolution free printable goal planning worksheet

    Free New Year’s Resolutions Printable Worksheet

    Looking for the 2021 version? Click here for this year’s free printable! I LOVE New Year’s. Not so much the New Year’s Eve partying these days (#momlife), but the actual beginning of a new year. I love the idea of a fresh start and always feel so motivated to set and achieve goals. This post will be sharing my goal setting process and you can find the free printable worksheet that I used at the bottom of this post. Resolutions tend to get a lot of bad rap–probably because research suggests that less than 10% of those who make New Year’s resolutions actually achieve them! Instead of making vague resolutions…

  • How to use sticky post it notes in your bullet journal.

    5 Ways to Use Sticky Notes in your Bullet Journal

    If you follow me on Instagram, you already know how much I love using sticky notes in my bullet journal!  Sticky notes are convenient for so many reasons, but the number one benefit is that the page becomes reusable and you don’t have to create the same list over and over again! Sticky notes are such a huge time saver and help make your bullet journal even more efficient.  Here are five ways that I have been using sticky notes in my bullet journal lately: 1. To do lists I use sticky notes to create a reusable to do list in my bullet journal for both weekly and daily tasks. When the…

  • Books

    What I Read In March

    As I begin my social media break in April- I wanted to have a place to share the books I’ve read because I love chatting books with you guys! Leave me a comment and let me know the best book you read last month! 🙂 Another quick note: I recently started utilizing NetGalley- I didn’t quite understand how it worked previously- but it is a way to receive advanced copies of books before they are published, either ebooks or audiobooks! I’m sharing because there are a lot of books in the “read now” category that anyone can access, read and review; you don’t necessarily have to have an “online presence”!…

  • Home,  Organization

    Minimize the Mess March

    Here’s an unpopular opinion- but despite what the decluttering experts say…you can declutter thousands of items and your house can still be a mess 🙃 I really thought that decluttering would solve my messinesss– but it didn’t. I’ve still got little messes all over the place because I haven’t taken the time to create organizational systems. I want to continue working on #operationhousetohaven, BUT I’m realizing for me- I’ve got to deal with the messes and organization BEFORE I get to the fun stuff (like decorating). SO, I’m going to buckle down and tackle as much mess as possible this month. I shared yesterday that you can do anything, but…

  • Decluttering

    Delcuttering Games: How to make decluttering “fun”!

    I’ve heard that there are people out there who genuinely ENJOY cleaning/tidying/decluttering, etc. I am not one of them. For as much as I like talking about decluttering, I’d rather do just about anything else than actually doing the decluttering work. One thing that has REALLY helped motivate me- is to turn decluttering into a “game”. This post will be sharing some [free] decluttering games that I have used throughout the years. I can truly say that if it weren’t for these games, I wouldn’t have made near as much progress as I have! I hope that you find them helpful as well. The Minimalism Game My very first introduction…