• Journaling

    Favorite Journaling & Planning Supplies

    Before I get to this highly requested post- I just want to reiterate that favorite supplies are highly personal and will reflect the style of the journaler. AND also that you literally can use any notebook and pen combo that you have laying around to get started. Add some flair with your kids’ markers, stickers and cut some pretty pictures out of magazines! Truly, there is nothing that you NEED in order to journal. But I also understand wanting to know people’s favorites! So keeping that in mind, here you go ๐Ÿ™‚ The links below are affiliate links, thank you for your support! Favorite notebooks: Rettacy Spiral Dotted Notebooks If…

  • Goal Setting,  Organization

    Quarterly Habit Tracker

    I had the idea for this printable the day before third quarter starts so this is going to be a SHORT one. I just wanted to get this up in case anyone wanted to start using it tomorrow along with me! Long story short, it is a spin off of the 75 sustainable challenge I did a few months ago. But I figured I’ll make it even more sustainable by making it something I can do each quarter! There are three rows (one for July, August and September) and a spot to track eight habits. If you don’t want to track that many, you can easily cut off the bottom…

  • Family,  summer

    Summer Skills Bingo (Our Intentional Summer, Part 1)

    Heading into this summer I knew I wanted it to be an intentional one. We are moving and doing lots of home projects BUT this is also Henry’s last summer before kindergarten so I want to make the non-hectic time count- you know?! When I thought about how I wanted the summer to look, one of the first things I knew I wanted to focus on was teaching my kids (but especially Henry!) some life skills before he starts school in the fall. I know teaching life skills is so important, but as a parent it is strangely not something that comes naturally to me. I tend to do everything…

  • Uncategorized

    75 Sustainable Challenge (A 75 hard alternative)

    For the past few years I’ve been tempted to try the 75 Hard Challenge SO many times. If you know me, you know I LOVE a good challenge. And I love the concept of mental toughness behind the original 75 Hard Challenge. HOWEVER, I know that while maybeeee I could complete 75 Hard…it wouldn’t really be sustainable for me long term. And after 33 years of life, I’ve tried enough “quick fixes” to know that I don’t want to do them anymore. It’s one thing to do a challenge, it’s a whole different ballgame to develop long lasting healthy habits. So I did a little brainstorm- “I feel the best…

  • At Home Wine Tasting Date Night Idea

    At Home Wine Tasting Date Night Idea

    One of my 23 for 2023 goals this year was to go on monthly dates with my husband. In January we went on zero dates…not off to a good start!! We quickly realized that since our kids are young and we don’t have a consistent babysitter that we better make at least some of them at home date nights. We decided to each plan one at home date each month (so two a month!) and if we got the opportunity to actually leave the house- great! But if not, at least we were still having some quality time together. We also decided that an “at home date” needed to consist…