Creating a Reusable To-Do List
If you haven’t noticed yet, I am a lover of all things organization and I love myself a good to-do list. I create to-do lists in my bullet journal every single day. They help guide my day and make me the most productive. I find that if I don’t have a to-do list made, I am not as purposeful with my time and tend to spend nap time scrolling through Instagram instead of doing something useful 😉
Since I make daily lists I have found that I often write the same tasks every. single. day. Tasks such as laundry, working out and doing the dishes seem like they are ALWAYS on my list! I also noticed that from week to week many tasks repeat. For example, each week I vacuum and clean the bathrooms.
To save some time and streamline these repeated tasks, I made this spread in my bullet journal. I wrote the tasks on sticky notes and then once the task was completed I could move it to the “done” column. The next morning, or at the start of a new week, I could simply move the sticky notes and start over.

I was really enjoying using this bullet journal layout. So much so that I wanted to create a more permanent version that I could have in a central area in our home as a visual reminder that would get seen frequently!
I had some old clipboards and clothespins in the garage from my classroom so I decided to try and use those materials to create a more permanent version of my master to do list! I painted the clipboard using chalkboard paint and then wrote on it using a white chalkboard marker. The clip part of the clipboard was scratched so I painted it white using chalk paint. I wrote my daily and weekly to do tasks on clothespins and attached them to either side.

Once I have completed a task I can move it down the side of the clipboard to the “complete” section. Every morning I put the daily clips back up to the top and start over! Since it seems like I spend most of my day in the kitchen, I hung it there so I will see it often. It is a great reminder of what needs to get accomplished that day and moving the clips down is surprisingly motivating! I tend to get the weekly cleaning tasks done early in the week because it feels so good to get them out of the way!
Try making a reusable to-do list of your own for those reoccurring tasks! Don’t be afraid to customize it however you need to. You could use any color paint, any design or any tasks that you want! I think this would be great as a chore chart for kids too since it is basically an adult chore chart! 😉 Have fun with it and please tag me on Instagram if you decide to make one, I would love to see what you create!
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